
i am currently in miami, and would love to be posting pictures of how opulent the surroundings are [translation: how little clothing the women wear -- ed.], but i left my phone's charger in queens. then, thinking i would be really clever, i purchased a car charger for it, only to find out that my rental car has a fuse blown, so i can't power up anyways.

so: remember how good it felt the first time you beat up this guy?:

i can't remember all the code for tyson, but it started with 007...

good game. cryptic post.

nathan filibustered at 10:09:00 AM


this is a post-thanksgiving post; so this is a tad late, but, considering the fact that i have a mere 2 weeks to relocate from queens to miami and start a shiny new job, writing this at all is amazingly irresponsible.

but when you come across such a glorious new source of personal reflection and quasi-national genuflection as the statue at the Charlotte Airport [see below], you have no choice but to share it with the two people who regularly read your blog.

here's the statue, which may or may not be entitled "Lady Liberty Getting Cannonball Shot Into Her Freedom-Loving Rummy-Tum-Tum ":

while it may seem odd that such a morally-bereft statue would be constructed anywhere outside of The Red Chinese Museum of Ill-Advised Propaganda Stunts, i direct your attention just a few short miles to the east (or whatever direction, i'm just going with east) to one of the city's local malls. [incidentally, this mall had Belk's as one of its flagship stores; however, in no way do i want to impute Belk's, as it will forever be linked to my imaginary detective, John Belk, who would almost certainly hunt down the designer of the above statue, link him to an underground drug ring, have a car chase gun battle in which his partner would be mortally wounded, and eventually put the perp in the slammer, this time for good.]

so, inside this mall, amidst the required-in-all-malls-by-law merchants (3 competing pretzel merchants, a husky women's clothier, a foot action, and an as-seen-on-TV shop) i stumbled upon a t-shirt stand selling clothing for the discriminating consumer. please note that i use the word discriminating in the "let's lynch all non-white people" sense of the word.

that fine print underneath the confederate flag reads "still standing." i'd like to think that the manufacturers of this garment also sell shirts celebrating custer's glorious victory over the injuns at little bighorn and commemorative amelia erhardt "mission accomplished!" pilot scarves, but probably not.

i'm too tired to get into how embarrassing these shirts are. it's exhausting. just remember that we live in a country of mostly red states. so much so, in fact, that hillbilly xenophobes have been spoon-fed such a diet of entitlement by our current administration that rewriting history is now being hawked for $9.99 a pop in the middle of shopping malls. and that, my friends, is some scary damned stuff.

but not as scary as crispin glover.

the man's a menace.

nathan filibustered at 3:31:00 PM

courtesy of angelo "did i mention i'm into the hurricanes?" simone:

Top 10 All-Time Miami Residents

#1: Luther Campbell
#2: Mark Duper
#3: Michael Irvin
#4: Ray Lewis
#5: Tony Montana
#6: Warren Sapp
#7: Shaq O'Neill
#8: Nathan Gallant
#9: Gloria Estefan
#10: Jamal Mashburn

this list is unsettling, but if you disqualify everyone who has worn day-glo spandex at least once in the last 5 years, only Tony and i remain.

nathan filibustered at 9:54:00 AM


off the top of my head, here are ten "desert island" films that i would melt down into plastic army men instead of having to watch more than once, despite the fact that some people really liked them:

A Beautiful Mind
The Matrix
High Fidelity
Green Mile
Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
American Psycho
The Sixth Sense
In the Company of Men
The Crow

to be fair (and rather snotty) here are ten "desert island" films that no one went to see in the theater that would kick the above movies' collective teeth in, then feed those teeth to them through a straw.

Jesus' Son
Ghost Dog
The City of Lost Children
Le Samurai
Requiem for a Dream
Princess and the Warrior
The Thin Blue Line
Il Postino
The Straight Story

and lastly, if you got lonely on that island and started a family with a hottie primate, here are ten flicks that i will force all my offspring to know and love, by force if necessary.

The Princess Bride
The Iron Giant
Bugsy Malone
The Phantom Tollbooth
Charlotte's Web
Jungle Book
Chicken Run
Fox and the Hound
Toy Story
Stand By Me

any additions? email me. then go rent The Phantom Tollbooth.

it's pretty ridiculous.

nathan filibustered at 4:21:00 PM


regarding the previous post (see below), which was, and is, about inventions, and contained an almost-unprecedented amount of unnecessary puncuation and/or adverbs:

i hereby patent my idea to get rich, construct a private salt water reservoir on my property, and stock the thing entirely with flying fish. that way, i could take guests out on my pontoon boat and then, when they least expect it, drop a car battery into the water, causing all the fish to explode out of the water, whizzing by our heads as the women and children scream out DEAR GOD I'M HIT!

also, you could fish without poles.

nathan filibustered at 5:02:00 PM

through some tragic filing incident down at the yahoo head offices, my standard image search for "steaming hot pix" resulted in a few thumbnails of the following, decidedly non-kournikova related item:

according to the article i read in between much, MUCH more specific image searches, a kid spent 6 years working on this baking pan, which is designed to ensure that every piece of every dish you bake is, essentially, a corner piece. for the record, i'm a huge proponent of corner pieces. truly, a huge fan.
so: bang up job on the invention my friend, but holy shit: 6 years? that's the innovational equivalent of spending 10 months developing "pull my finger."

as my former roommates dougie and ingrid will attest to, i too fancy myself as something of an inventor. as my former roommates dougie and ingrid will also attest to, i never invented a way to keep my socks from smelling like they are channeling the body funk of deceased shellfish.

i did, however, try to invent an LCD bumper sticker, so that you could tailor its message to the driver behind you. hottie? let me just punch up my digits. tailgater? his/her mother is about to feel the wrath of an unmitigated F bomb.

my latest invention, while more likely falling under the classification of Social Construct/Contract, would allow every man, woman, and child to carry a laminated card that lists his or her foremost Pet Peeve, and would accordingly allow him or her to present this card to any violator of said peeve, and promptly collect $1. a government agency would have to be established in order to prevent freeloaders from pretending their pet peeve is "a prominent adam's apple" or "women wearing pants" but, really, such an agency would be no stupider than the Federal Interagency Committee for the Management of Noxious and Exotic Weeds (seriously, look it up: http://ficmnew.fws.gov/)

my card, should you be curious, would allow me to be a dollar richer whenever i explain to somebody that i hate cats, to which they respond, "Well, you haven't met my cat."

that's a buck. i've met your cat. and i hate it. if you tell me that you gag at the smell of seafood, i don't insist upon taking you to my favorite Red Lobster location.

i try to write original material on this page, but perhaps our friends at the Onion summed up my feelings regarding felines best with their headline, "Like Boxes of Shit Around The House? Get a Cat."

i'd own a tiger or something of that ilk. and name it zeus. or, knowing that i'd only buy one after drinking heavily, i'd name it Mr. Stickypaws.

but not a regular cat. my capacity for being a cat guy ended forever when i was a little(r) boy in cincinnati and my bestest pal krumboltz (i'd use a fake name, but krumboltz sounds made up anyway) received a little black kitty named Noel for christmas. yes, it was cute, but so are baby vampire bats, so that argument's not going to hold up.
within a week, this thing had disappeared, thereby refocusing our collective attention from yuletide joy to Operation Find That Fucking Kitten. as an aside, regular readers (both of them) know that i don't swear very often on this page, so this was clearly a serious matter.

we were 8, though, so we were playing dart guns in his basement less than 24 hours later, while letting the grown ups put up flyers.

a quick tangent: playing dart guns in the basement was yet another game that children of the 80's played that would no longer be tolerated in today's lawyer-laden america. we should have called the game See If We Can Reach Puberty With One Or More Functioning Eyeballs; these guns, while painted orange and clearly fake, packed some serious cheese. krumbo and i would take turns hiding in the basement with the lights off while the other waited upstairs, thereby guaranteeing that he would have no night vision whatsoever when he came back down. invariably, the "hider" would wait until the "sitting duck" would get to within 3 to 4 feet of him, trying desperately not to laugh at how stupid the prospective assassin looked tripping over toys while trying to adjust to the low light.

then, in a wild departure from the Silence-of-the-Lambs-style happy ending, the blind person would get shot in the face at close range.

getting back to the kitty story, however, one of the prime hiding places in krumbo's basement was in a little boiler closet, in between the "wooden" wall paneling and the house's actual foundation. some time after christmas, while one of us was hiding back there (i believe it was krumboltz's discovery), he noticed a pair of glowing eyes staring at him from deep inside the basement wall. if i made the discovery, i've since blocked it out, as i can not imagine how freaked out i would have been had i seen them first.

of course, the eyes were not those of an axe-wielding werewolf like we first assumed, but rather those of Noel, the world's most anti-social kitty. the cat hadn't run away, it had been hiding in the basement walls, venturing upstairs to feed on god-only-knows, then returning to its preferred environs, far away from a cat's natural enemy: a loving family.

for what must have been weeks, krumboltz and i (and eventually his father) devised increasingly sophisticated plans that were intended to reintroduce the kitty to society at large. naturally, none of us could fit in between the walls and the foundation, so our brains would have to come up with something.
translation: this kitty was in trouble.

at first, the schemes were simple. we would watch a bowl of meow mix for hours on end while occasionally making smooching noises, or form long lines of dry cat food leading upstairs to various bedrooms, etc.
through a cat's preternatural disdain for other living things, it somehow knew we were watching/waiting, and decided that it rather starve to death than know the loving embrace of an 8 year old boy.
eventually, we manufactured outright traps. cat travel caddies were lined with tender vittles and rigged to close whenever the beast would enter. cardboard boxes hovered over a plate of Friskies, ready to fall on any feline within a 3 foot parameter.

without fail, the cat would eat the food from the shoddily-made traps (those designed by krumbo and/or myself) and altogether avoid those traps conceived by krumbo's dad. the dad was getting frustrated, but i suspect part of his anger was due to our insistance upon going to the supermarket every other hour in order to purchase trap-building supplies and increasingly exotic cat food.

if Fancy Feast couldn't get this goddam cat out of a cold basement wall, we knew we'd have to bring in an exorcist.

the days stretched into weeks, and creepy glowing eyes were all i ever knew of this cat. i can't even quite recall how they got the thing out, but i'm guessing the krumboltz family either tore apart the entire basement wall or were forced to tunnel in from the back yard. i'm fairly certain they got it out though; i suppose he may still be there, smoking winstons and wondering where the two MacGyver wanna-be's with all the primo cat food went.

nathan filibustered at 3:48:00 PM


i am confident that the following exchange, written with my hottie sister lara and inspired by a Charlotte department store known only as Belk's , represents a snippet of perfect dialogue that, when inserted into any and every film, television show, or play, would instantly make the world a better place.


(throwing hands in the air)
Goddammit Belk! That's the third suspect
you've shot this week!

Thank God it's Friday, eh Chief?
i'm not sure what Belk looks like yet, but one thing's for sure: he's surly, unshaven, and doesn't play by the rules.

nathan filibustered at 2:01:00 PM


the most recent (see: stupid) development in our ongoing (see: futile) war on terror is jeopardizing my constitutionally-protected right to take blurry cell phone pictures while riding the new york city subway system. according to the boys down at the nyc metro brain trust, those doughy tourists wearing their four-for-ten-bucks-john-lennon-"imagine" T-shirts while taking digital photos of their child getting "sea sick" on the uptown 9 train might actually be collecting valuable terrorist-related data, including, but not limited to, how many "learn english" flyers it takes to effectively cover up a standard issue subway deodorant advertisement.

mind you, i'm no expert on terror, but someone might want to refer the metro brain trust to their own website (nycsubway.org) wherein any potential baddie who can afford a library card has access to "over 11,000 photos of the subway lines, past and present, and over 17,000 more of transit systems worldwide."

my guess is that, unless we're dealing with a renegade band of legally blind terrorists who require tactile confirmation of a subway car's seating chart, the photo ban might fall under the category of One More Insane, Not To Mention Completely Unenforceable, Law That Other Countries Will Laugh At.

luckily, yours truly ran into my favorite musician in the world before the ban was announced and was legally able to take a photo of him, soon to be part of a coffee table book documenting his greatness. here he is, Blind Staggering Russian Accordian Guy (please note that he is staggering not due to his blindness, but, rather, due to vodka):

the english language scientists have yet to invent a word powerful enough to describe a vintage B.S.R.A.G. performance (five of which i've been privileged enough to witness so far), but take my word for it; this man is more rock and roll than all five members of linkin park dipped in electrified Radical Sauce.

typically, he'll enter the train, accordion loosely around neck, and proceed to viciously whack every ankle in the entire car with his hardened steel cane. this gives neophyte audience members the impression that he is either officially not-blind and aiming for them, or that over the years he has pinpointed a previously unknown low frequency hum that ankles make, and is aiming for them.

either way, it's rock and roll.

his next move is usually a knee to the groin of a nearby passenger when he loses his balance while adjusting his accordion strap and falls (loudly) into the nearest lap. at this point, the train is hurtling its commuter payload at top speed, shifting unpredictably underneath his feet, so it's a perfect time to abandon his only balancing aid, the cane, and prepare to rock the hell out.

while it may be true that B.S.R.A.G. has only one song - and it's 20 seconds long, and it's probably a cover of some song called "the balalaika and the baboushka" or something, and it's being played on an instrument that was clearly invented as a joke - at least the song is never played the same way twice. this is not due to any actual musical talent, mind you, but because every time the subway slows down, speeds up, or, frankly, moves, the big russian falls violently into one of his audience members, resulting in completely unnecessary crescendos and sudden key changes, reinventing musical composition with every flying elbow drop.

by this point in the performance, two things happen: (1) the train is slowing down rapidly, meaning that the russian starts to involuntarily jog towards the front of the car while playing the tune of Shin Kick in B Minor; i've actually seen people curl up or kneel on the seats in a futile effort to avoid the inevitable assault on their lower legs, and (2) the stench of cheap vodka begins to sting your eyes.

traditionally, subway performers tend to take up a collection before people get a chance to leave the train. however, as a big middle finger to logic and/or capitalism, B.S.R.A.G. waits for the train to come to a complete stop, the doors to open, and ninety percent of his audience to leave. then, in a voice that can only be described as unbelievably ka-booming, he belts out in a ludicrous russian accent, "YOUR DONATIONS ARE GREATLY APPRECIATED."

but they are clearly not.

a voice of this volume and intensity is not announcing that donations are accepted... he's announcing that they just became mandatory. because, frankly, he's really scary. but rock and roll is supposed to be scary, dammit. true connoisseurs fish out anything of value from their pockets and deposit whatever they come up with into a small burlap bag he keeps on his hip. i'm guessing he gets all sorts of lighters and house keys in a given day because people panic and just throw in whatever they have handy.

i wish i could give more. it's small price to pay.

nathan filibustered at 5:55:00 PM

at the podium.

name: ..nathan..
shoes: thin, uncomfortable
sleeping in: queens (the city, not Latifah)
mirror: :rorrim
throws: righty
current crush: young britt eckland
lunch: i'm into brunch now

=audio science=
=LL Robot=
=Hasser Vision=

11.04 12.04 01.05 02.05 03.05 04.05 05.05 06.05 07.05 08.05 09.05 10.05 11.05 12.05 01.06 06.06 01.07

talk to me Goose.

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