the acclimation to warmer climes is afoot.
in a homonymic story, that appendage below your ankle is also a foot. but i'll concentrate on the warmer climes for now. miami is about to feel my wrath. and, knowing my wrath, miami will probably not particularly care all that much. new york, after all, felt my wrath and the next thing i knew i was short one laptop.
new york actually kind of bitch-slapped my wrath. miami can probably handle my wrath too. but i look forward to testing out that hypothesis. my initial impression suggested that the place is really no different from Anytown, USA. a trained eye, however, will notice one anomaly that may take some getting used to: in miami, nobody is wearing any clothes.
where i come from (see separate post), garments are generally made up of so-called "material." in miami beach, conversely, it seems to be perfectly acceptable to wear designers that specialize in either "roll-on" or "internal" designs. i'm fairly certain that, in south beach, wearing only a tampon to the beach may be considered a little racy, but nevertheless socially acceptable.
i theorize that sports illustrated has never sold a single copy of its swimsuit issue within a 50 mile radius of miami. this is because buying a swimsuit issue in miami would be akin to reading a back issue of Nova from the surface of Mercury.
you know what? of course you don't. so i'll tell you. i have too much to write here. so, i'm going to just post this mutha and post some pictures at a later date. not too later. just later.
i just realized that i made it sound as though i'll be posting pix of half naked women. i'll try not to do that, but it may prove difficult. try not seeing a japanese person in a photo essay of downtown Nagasaki, then talk to me.