oh, and audio: you were right about that whole arrested development thing.
nathan filibustered at 12:50:00 PM
i have a much to speak about, yet no time to do so.
i think i want to redesign this site.
unfortunately, i am a loss when it comes to new templates.
and when it comes to break dancing.
i am back in new york, by the way, so come see me.
you know what i loathe about the english language (besides, obviously, the rules of capitalization and spelling)? when you read that a sports star "resigns." if he retired, say so. otherwise, i might think that he (or, i suppose, she) re-signed.
it's a shame more ice cream shops don't serve pistachio. 'tis yum yum.
i'll be more prolific soon.
nathan filibustered at 12:40:00 PM