
i've been working.

this is unusual.

my schedule will get a little more reasonable soon, but for the time being, consider me sitting in a way-too-cold studio across from madison square garden, hanging out with my new main man stephen a. smith. here's our site.

he's groovy, but i also got a sort of mini-hug from allen iverson last night, and so now i think he's groovy, too.

his bling was inspiring. it looked like he was wearing superman's fortress of solitude on his wrist.

nathan filibustered at 10:43:00 PM

at the podium.

name: ..nathan..
shoes: thin, uncomfortable
sleeping in: queens (the city, not Latifah)
mirror: :rorrim
throws: righty
current crush: young britt eckland
lunch: i'm into brunch now

=audio science=
=LL Robot=
=Hasser Vision=

11.04 12.04 01.05 02.05 03.05 04.05 05.05 06.05 07.05 08.05 09.05 10.05 11.05 12.05 01.06 06.06 01.07

talk to me Goose.

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